Civ5 Game - DUKA

Hello, so please share your thoughts in here.
Für die anderen: Mr. Lloyd ist ein waschechter britischer Gentleman, also seids freundlich und versucht Google Translate! O0

Oiydah. Bis deppat?

Oh, yes sir, indeed sir!

Roger roger

Planned startdate?

Shall we talk about which civilisation to play? I would like to play as either: Arabia, England or Germany in that order. My reason is I have only played 3 times and each time with one of those.

Sorry for my English. I can read German aber ie kon niet schrieben.

[quote=„Mr Lloyd, post:5, topic:1044“]Shall we talk about which civilisation to play? I would like to play as either: Arabia, England or Germany in that order. My reason is I have only played 3 times and each time with one of those.

Sorry for my English. I can read German aber ie kon niet schrieben.[/quote]

Hi guys! I would like to play as Germany or Babylon if possible.

OK, I selected Gods and Kings DLC, I hope thats alright for you all.
Also I did create a new game on GMR and invited you all, so please check GMR for pending game invites.

Any specific settings we want for this game?

i go with china.

my wishes:
plenty of AI, was too less in our last game.
speed quick, again, or we will turn 60 at game end.
size large (5 player/5 AI/ 20 city states)
map type: continents, shuffle or pangaea
resources: standard
everything else on standard too

advanced game options: only „new random seed“ should be turned on, to disable power reloaders.

Moby is 60 already.

I need to purchase G&K which i will do heute abend.

No stress!
I asked some other guys to join in, but it looks like they wont be coming.
Any more suggestions on the settings?

Well, you will have time to make objections to Haktoms suggestions until Sunday, then I will start the game!

I’m ready.

Seeing as Moby went for Austria and Willi Germany, I chose England.

Now some history: „I am come amongst you, as you see, at this time, not for my recreation and disport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live and die amongst you all; to lay down for my God, and for my kingdom, and my people, my honour and my blood, even in the dust. I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too, and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realm…“ Queen Elizabeth I, Tilbury, Essex 1588

And we are LIVE!
Good luck everyone! :slight_smile:
And have fun! :slight_smile:

Thx to Moby for setting up the game.

I wish all of you a nice and fair game. :dwarf:

And coz I made something wrong (had too many DLCs activated!), we have to restart.
Eh kloar.
So everyone please SURRENDER out of DUKA and join into game DUKA2.

RGR that, so you lost? ;D

Done. I´m ready now.

OK, Game has started again, so lets hope now, everyone can make his turn. :slight_smile:

this time, we are rolling

Ok, can see it is waiting for me to make a turn. I’ll only be playing in the evenings as I work for a living (unlike Moby).